After nearly five decades
Emily Fitzallan, nee Vavasour has returned to her childhood home Leysmorton
Manor. During her time abroad Leysmorton
Manor had been used as a convalescence home during the war years and was now,
in 1922, back in the hands of the family, whilst although the house belonged to
Emily, it was her cousin Dirk who lived there.
But not everything had changed, for still the neighbouring house
Steadings is inhabited by the Markhams,
and it had brought back many memories seeing again her old friend Hugh
Markham. But the most poignant of
memories is that of her elder sister Clare, who had gone for a walk one day and
never returned.
The discovery of a soldier’s skeleton at the base of the old Yew tree
propels the past into the present with shocking revelations. Could the death be
connected to Clare’s disappearance.
As with previous novels by
Marjorie Eccles much of the power of the book lies in the interaction between
the characters. Although the book is set in 1922, the England to which Emily returns is much changed
from the England
she had left decades before. The war has wrought many social changes. The younger members of Emily’s extended family
Valentine and Poppy, contrast sharply with the older generation. Emily is conscious that she has decisions to
make. Could she live in England again?
And if she should decide to do so, how will it be to live with Dirk and his
sister, as it is unthinkable to ask them to leave. But as Emily ponders her dilemma, the
investigation into the identity of the dead soldier begins to break down the
fabric of life at Leysmorton Manor to reveal a second mystery.
Cleverly plotted, the solution
to this complex family mystery is skilfully revealed after some surprising
twists. Highly recommended.
Reviewer: Lizzie Hayes
Reviewer: Lizzie Hayes
Marjorie Eccles wrote fourteen books in the Gil Mayo police procedural
series before tuning to historical suspense.
Books are: The Shape of Sand, Shadows and Lies, Last Nocturne and
Broken Music.

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