I was gripped from the prologue, and as I came to the
end of the few pages I realised that I was actually holding my breath!
A fire at
the Melverley Grange on a cold night in February 2011, claims the lives of
three members of the Barton family. Early investigation into the cause of the
fire suggests that it was started deliberately.
Inspector Alex Randall calls on Coroner Martha Gunn to ask her to visit the
scene. Martha known for her insightful assessments is interested and accompanies
Alex Randall to the Grange. Poking about
and listening to the account of where the bodies were found, poses several
anomalies, which puzzle Martha.
A second
house fire started in a similar fashion raises even more questions – are the
two fires related? But the occupant of
the house where the second fire is set seems to have no connection with the
family at the Grange. And where is
retired nurse Monica Deverill? As the investigation continues, each step
forward brings not answers, but more confusion and more questions.
This is the
fifth book in the series and Martha’s twins are now spreading their wings Sukey
with ambition to be an actress and Sam off to university. Martha, whose husband Martin had died in an
accident, is becoming aware that soon she will be on her own. She has been seeing for a weekly dinner, the
widower of a friend, Simon Pendlebury – suave, wealthy and handsome, he is a
woman’s dream but for some unexplained reason Martha doesn’t quite trust him,
although she has actually no reason not to.
The one person to whom she has an attraction is married - so off limits,
although he has never spoken of his home life, he doesn’t exude happiness.
Whilst an
intriguing mystery, much of the strength of the book lies in the wonderful
characterisation, which means one has to mention, Jerico Palfreyman who guards
access to Martha as a lioness guards her young.
Masters has a medical background and this is clearly demonstrated as the
investigation continues and we find mental health and dementia contributing to
the tragedy and not only at Melverley Grange. Cleverly plotted, one of those
books that you can’t put down, not even when the clock is chiming 1am, you just
have to keep turning those pages.
Reviewer: Lizzie Hayes
books in the series are River Deep, Slip
Knot, and Frozen Charlotte.

Priscilla Masters lives in Shropshire, England.
She works part-time in Staffordshire as a practice nurse.
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