Frances Doughty is the protagonist as a lady
detective in London
in 1880. She has featured in a previous tale but knowledge of that, while
adding to one’s enjoyment, is
not essential for understanding The Daughters of Gentlemen. Doughty is
well chosen as the surname of a woman who faces the innumerable barriers to
females in the Victorian era with fortitude.
The situation is that there has been found at the Bayswater Academy
for the Education of Young Ladies dangerous feminist pamphlets. These were
discovered inside the desks of unwitting girls and their origin must be traced.
as a female is, at least, more acceptable than a male sleuth and can masquerade
effectively as a science teacher. This simple beginning leads to more and more
complexities concerning the denizens of the area - in particular, adults
closely associated with the school. Frances has a varied selection of
willing assistants and a suitably inquiring mind. Murder becomes part of the
picture but she and her aides continue the investigation doggedly.
A particular feature of the period is the Election of 1880 with the
efforts of Suffrage societies to gain attention for the need to give women the
vote. Frances
attends some meetings and her verbatim reports provide considerable amusement
for a modern reader.
The historical background is impeccable and the modern reader can feel
the frenetic atmosphere of the election. The mysteries are successfully
elucidated by the sleuth and the ends all neatly tied off.
Reviewer: Jennifer S. Palmer
The first mystery featuring Frances Doughty is The Poisonous Seed.
Linda Stratmann has also published a number of historical non fiction works
such as Chloroform: the Quest for Oblivion and a number of studies of
historical murders in areas such as London,
Middlesex and Essex.
Linda Stratmann was born in Leicester
April 1948. As a rebellious
teenager after taking my O levels, Linda
left school, and trained to be a chemist's dispenser with Boots. Subsequently
Linda took A levels and went to Newcastle
University in 1971 graduating
with first class honours in psychology three years later. Linda then joined the
civil service, and trained to be an Inspector of Taxes. In 2001 Linda left the
civil service, and started a new career as a freelance writer and sub-editor,
and in 2002 was commissioned to write her first published book on the history
of Chloroform.

Jennifer S. Palmer. Throughout
my reading life crime fiction has been a constant interest; I really enjoyed my
15 years as an expatriate in the Far East, the Netherlands & the USA but
occasionally the solace of closing my door to the outside world and sitting
reading was highly therapeutic. I now lecture to adults on historical topics
including Famous Historical Mysteries.
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