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Friday 20 October 2023

‘The Lost Daughter’ by Jane Adams

Published by Joffe Books,
30 August 2023.
ISBN: 978-1-83526096-8(PB)

Some three years ago Ashley’s husband Aiden had suddenly dropped dead in a supermarket car park. Recently she met a new man Tim Bennett and was really taken with him, he seemed so loving and caring.

Now she has suddenly disappeared. Her flat had been cleared out and a neighbour saw a removal van outside loading up. When the police are not interested and Libby, Aiden’s mother, overhears how Ray Flowers recently found a missing girl, she contacts him. She tells him she is really concerned as Ashley and her are close and would talk to each other just about every day, and now she is not answering her phone.

However, when she tells Ray about Tim Bennett and accuses him of being responsible for Ashley’s disappearance, he tells her Tim is a good friend of his and happily married. Intrigued he agrees to look into it, although it is not his usual type of business, his firm deals mostly with corporate security. He also assures Libby that he has not recently found a missing girl and wonders who on earth could have started such a rumour.

When Ray mentions Ashley to Tim he says he does not know her but has heard at the university where they both work, that she has disappeared. Why would someone pose as Tim and where can Ashley be? Ray is really baffled. However, as he digs deeper a connection is found to Paul Krantz, a criminal Ray helped to put away several years ago. It transpires that this man made many friends in prison and now he has escaped with inside help. When several people connected to Paul die unexpectedly, Ray begins to fear for his own life, and everyone close to him.

It seems Ashley’s disappearance may be a devious plot to bring Ray to the fore. Can he find and expose the escaped prisoner before he himself meets the same fate as the others?

An intense, deeply griping thriller illustrating how a really disturbing childhood can influence adult life and usually not for the better. Thoroughly recommended.
Reviewer: Tricia Chappell

Jane Adams was born in Leicestershire, where she still lives. She has a degree in Sociology and has held a variety of jobs including lead vocalist in a folk rock band. She enjoys pen and ink drawing; martial arts and her ambition is to travel the length of the Silk Road by motorbike. Her first book, The Greenway, was shortlisted for the CWA John Creasey Award in 1995 and for the Author's Club Best First Novel Award. Jane writes several series.  Her first series featured Mike Croft. Several books featuring DS Ray Flowers. Seven titles featuring blind Naoimi Blake, and six titles featuring Rina Martin. Her most ret series is set between the two World Wars and featuring Detective Inspector Henry Johnstone and his sergeant, Micky Hitchens. Jane has also written several standalone novels. She is married with two children.

Tricia Chappell. I have a great love of books and reading, especially crime and thrillers. I play the occasional game of golf (when I am not reading). My great love is cruising especially to far flung places, when there are long days at sea for plenty more reading! I am really enjoying reviewing books and have found lots of great new authors.

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