On Thursday 29th June a large crowd gathered at Goldsboro Books, Cecil Court in London to celebrate
Independent Bookshop Week
Independent Bookshop Week
We welcomed by the wonderful David Headley managing director of Goldsboro Books
who thanked everyone for coming along to celebrate.
who thanked everyone for coming along to celebrate.
There were many familiar faces present, and I didn't manage to capture everyone with my camera as I kept getting involved in conversations, but it was fun evening.
Far left raising a glass is Len Tyler author of the Elethred Tressider and Elsie Thirkettle series and more recently a series set in the 1600's featuring
lawyer John Grey
lawyer John Grey
Gilliam McAllister, far right who has published her first book this year Everything But the Truth
William Shaw, see left, whose latest book is Sympathy For The Devil to read a review of this excellent book click on the title above.
Below right is Vaseem Khan whose first book An Unexpected Inheritance introduced us to Inspector Chopra and Ganesh the baby Elephant.
His second book The Strange Disappearance of a Bollywood Star is a must read.
Below right is Vaseem Khan whose first book An Unexpected Inheritance introduced us to Inspector Chopra and Ganesh the baby Elephant.
His second book The Strange Disappearance of a Bollywood Star is a must read.

To read a review of this book click on the title above.
On the Left Literary Agent Broo Doherty
with Alison Bruce, author of a series set in Cambridge, England, featuring Police DC Gary Goodhew. There are seven books in the series. To read a review of the most recent book Cambridge Black, click on the title.
The handsome chap to the right of the ladies is Martyn Waites who has written 10 books to date. For details visit him at http://www.martynwaites.com
Far left is Valentina M Giambanco, whose latest book
Sweet After Death is 4th in the Alice Madison series.
Sweet After Death is 4th in the Alice Madison series.
Below right is Ayo Onatade and
SJI Holliday whose latest book is
The Damsel Fly
Read about it at http://www.sjiholliday.com
and on Facebook and Twitter @SJIHolliday.
SJI Holliday whose latest book is
The Damsel Fly
Read about it at http://www.sjiholliday.com
and on Facebook and Twitter @SJIHolliday.

Below left is the amazing Barry Forshaw who is both aclaimed reviewer and author. His latest book is Brit Noir.
with Barry are Liz, and Myles Allfrey,
co-organisers of CrimeFest Comference
The wine flowed and there was much talk and laughter, and I have more photograhs when I can identify everyone.
Sorry about that odd woman who seems to have got in some of the photographs, I don't know who she is.
Sorry about that odd woman who seems to have got in some of the photographs, I don't know who she is.
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