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Saturday, 15 March 2025

‘The Elusive Dietrich’ by Jared Cade

Published by Scarab Books,
7 July 2024.
ISBN: 978-1-06867290-3 (PB)

As a young woman, Diana, Duchess of Marsden been active in fighting the Nazis during the Second World War. She had been a member of the French Resistance and had narrowly missed being murdered by an evil Nazi officer, Captain Dietrich, who had already killed the couple that had given her refuge in their beautiful home. Dietrich had intended to massacre the rest of the household and steal the contents of the house. He was prevented from doing so by Diana’s courage, cunning and determination (not for nothing was her code name The Vixen), which enabled her to contact members of the Resistance, who attacked Dietrich and his men. When the French Resistance moved in to rescue her, Diana had thrown a hand grenade at Dietrich, and she believed that she had killed him.

Over forty years later, in 1983, the past comes back to cause more disruption, when Oliver Seymour, the owner of Valiant Productions, intends to make a documentary film about Diana’s remarkable life. Oliver reveals to his friend, Lyle Revel, that, contrary to common belief, he has discovered that Captain Dietrich survived the war and is now living under a new identity and is enjoying a privileged position in English society. Oliver does not claim to know Dietrich’s identity, but he does claim that he would recognise the Nazi war criminal’s signature, which he says is both elegant and distinctive.

Lyle tells his partner, Hermione Bradbury, about Oliver’s search for Captain Dietrich, and she is especially interested because Diana is her godmother, and she loves and admires her. Hermione and Lyle are the caretakers of Milsham Hall, a role that they combine with Hermione’s career as a musician and Lyle’s as an actor. They have another, unofficial, role as amateur detectives, and are intrigued by Oliver’s story about Captain Dietrich, as well as being concerned about its effect on Diana. Even without this added complication, the relationships between Diana and her family and friends are complex and often turbulent. Diana is an extremely wealthy woman, and there is a tug-of-war to inherit her money. Despite his infidelity, her husband wants Diana’s fortune to maintain his stately home; but her two grandchildren by her first marriage think that the money should come to them. Diana loves her grandchildren but feels that they are too young and irresponsible to be entrusted with such a large amount of money. However, her grandson, Sebastian, is about to be married, and she is considering altering her will to benefit her grandchildren, especially as, despite his promises, her husband continues to see his mistress.

The tension mounts up as a near-fatal accident is followed by several deaths. Hermione and Lyle are desperate to discover whether the elusive Captain Dietrich is still alive and, if so, is he really someone who is part of the social circle surrounding Diana? However, when probing the identity of such a ruthless man with so much to lose, seeking out the truth can be very dangerous.

The Elusive Dietrich is the first book in the series featuring Lyle Revel and Hermione Bradbury. It is a book with larger-than-life characters, an intriguing, complex plot and an unexpected, very dramatic solution. Although it is set in the 1980s it has a fascinating feel of the Golden Age. An unusual and enjoyable read. Recommended.
Reviewer: Carol Westron

Jared Cade is a former tour guide for a bespoke luxury travel company, escorting parties around Agatha Christie’s former home Greenway, in Devon, which is open to the public courtesy of the National Trust. During an appearance on the British television quiz the 64,000 Dollar Question, he won the top prize on his specialist subject of Agatha Christie’s novels. Jared Cade’s writing is heavily influenced by the Golden Age of crime fiction. He has a fondness for amateur sleuths, traditional mysteries, locked-room murders, and impossible crimes. He is the creator of the crime-solving duo of actor Lyle Revel and cellist Hermione Bradbury who take centre stage in a series of British cosy murder mysteries. He shares his tips for writing on the Crime Writers’ Association website.  

Carol Westron is a Golden Age expert who has written many articles on the subject and given papers at several conferences. She is the author of several series: contemporary detective stories and police procedurals, comedy crime and Victorian Murder Mysteries. Her most recent publications are Paddling in the Dead Sea and Delivering Lazarus,

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