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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

‘The Case of the Deadly Deception’ by Charlie Cochrane

Published by Williams and Whiting,
12 December 2024.
ISBN: 978-1-91588792-4 (PB)

Alasdair Hamilton and Toby Bowe spent the Second World War as Spitfire pilots, heroes of the RAF, but since the war ended, they have become heroes of the silver screen, as two of the most popular actors Landseer Studios has ever employed. However, there is one secret that neither the fans nor the Press must ever guess: despite the numerous beautiful starlets that Alasdair and Toby are seen escorting, the two romantic heroes are in love with each other. Homosexuality is illegal in the 1950s, and the two actors have to tread very carefully, so that only the few people who can be trusted not to betray them know about their true relationship. On screen, Alasdair and Toby have made a hit playing Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, and life seems to imitate art as they have been involved in several real-life investigations. Now a film is about to be released in which they portray two celebrated amateur sleuths, the Cambridge Fellows, Orlando Coppersmith and Jonty Stewart, who started investigating crimes in Edwardian times, before the First World War.

Toby is puzzled when he receives an invitation to attend a meeting of the Monday Evening Association at the offices of a firm called Herbert and Chapman. He has never heard of the Monday Evening Association, nor of its chairman, Lloyd Conway, and the whole thing seems somewhat fishy. However, both Toby and Alasdair are curious, and when the Head of Landseer Studios, Sir Ian Sheringham, gives permission for Toby to attend the meeting, he decides to do so.

Sir Ian is already concerned about an ill-fated production in which the principal actor had died two days into filming. Because of this he stipulates that Toby takes back-up to the meeting, in case the Monday Evening Association intend harm to the star, either physically or by damaging his reputation. Because of this, Toby asks Jonny Stewart, the great-nephew of Jonty, to accompany him and watch his back. The office where the meeting is due to be held is unmarked and hard to find, which Toby and Jonny find suspicious, but they find the correct place and meet the members of the Monday Evening Association, a diverse and strange set of people. All the members claim to have extraordinary but random powers, and Toby and Jonny find their claims unbelievable. Lloyd Conway insists that Toby has a special power and invites him to join the Association. When Toby denies this, Lloyd insists that it is just that Toby has not yet discovered his power. Toby is unconvinced and does not accept Lloyd’s invitation.

When Toby and Jonny report back to Alasdair he tells them that he has been digging into the background of the firm of Herbert and Chapman and has discovered the reason why their offices are unmarked. Alasdair explains that they are a combination of solicitor and private investigators who will use dirty tricks and illegal practices to ensure their wealthy clients are not convicted, even if they are guilty. He has also discovered that the Landseer actor, who died by falling under a train, was a client of Herbert and Chapman.

Moira Matthews, another member of the Monday Evening Association, contacts Toby to apologise for the strange impression he must have received of the group and invites Toby, Jonny and Alasdair to meet her so that she can explain. They accept her invitation and meet Moira and two other members of the Association, who try to interest them in investigating the disappearance of a young woman who was a member of the group. Intrigued, the amateur detectives investigate but soon they realise that they could be uncovering a far deeper and darker plot than they anticipated, one which could even threaten the forthcoming coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Case of the Deadly Deception is the fourth book featuring Toby and Alasdair. It is a lively, historical novel, with engaging protagonists who are trying to keep their relationship secret under very difficult circumstances. It is great fun and a very enjoyable read.
Reviewer: Carol Westron 

Charlie Cochrane couldn't be trusted to do any of her jobs of choice—like managing a rugby team— so she writes. Her favourite genre is gay fiction, predominantly historical romances/mysteries.  A member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, and International Thriller Writers Inc, Charlie's Cambridge Fellows Series, set in Edwardian England, was instrumental in her being named Author of the Year 2009 by the review site Speak Its Name.

Carol Westron is a successful author and a Creative Writing teacher.  Her crime novels are set both in contemporary and Victorian times.  Her first book The Terminal Velocity of Cats was published in 2013. Since then, she has since written 6 further mysteries. Carol recently gave an interview to Mystery People. To read the interview click on the link below.

To read a review of Carol latest book click on the title
Delivering Lazarus 

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