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Friday 11 October 2024

Coming Soon: Sherlock Holmes And The Cabinet of Wonders by Linda Stratmann

Published by Sapere Books
15 November 2024.

The 8th book in the Casebook of Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is in a slump of despair and self-doubt following his recent encounter with his brother Mycroft and his good friend Mr Stamford is determined to snap him out of it.
When Stamford hears of a new show being put on at the Egyptian Hall Theatre, he brings Holmes with him for a night of diversion.
But for Holmes, the outing leads to something much more
A few days later, a corpse is found inside the cabinet used for one of the conjuror’s acts at the theatre, and at first it appears the death was accidental.
But Holmes soon realises it was the result of something more
sinister. And lurking beneath the surface of the magician’s code of conduct is a murky world of false identities and professional
jealousy. There are secrets in the world of illusion that people would kill to keep hidden…
And if they are not careful, Holmes and Stamford could be the next targets…

Linda Stratmann was born in Leicester in 1948 and first started scribbling stories and poems at the age of six. She became interested in true crime when watching Edgar Lustgarten on TV in the 1950s. Linda attended Wyggeston Girls Grammar School, trained to be a chemist’s dispenser, and later studied at Newcastle University where she obtained a first in Psychology. She then spent 27 years in the civil service before leaving to devote her time to writing. Linda loves spending time in libraries and archives and really enjoys giving talks on her subject. 

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