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Sunday 22 September 2024

‘Ten Seconds’ by Robert Gold

Published by Sphere,
14 March 2024.
ISBN 978-1-4087-3057-7(HB)

Journalist Ben Harper meets with his editor and good friend, Madeline Wilson at their favourite restaurant. Her father Sam then joins them, they are there to celebrate his birthday. After the evening, they all go their separate ways. However unbeknown to Ben and Sam, Madeline is suddenly attacked and bundled into her chauffeur driven car – except it is not her usual driver.

Meanwhile as Ben walks home he sees a man stealthily approaching the house belonging to a friend and neighbour of his, Sarah Wright. Ben approaches him and tries but fails to catch him as he runs away. He is particularly concerned because there has been a spate of women experiencing intruders lately. They wake to find a man staring down at them, then he runs off. Sarah calls the police and Ben’s girlfriend Detective Constable Dani Cash accompanied by Police Constable Karen Cooke arrive to take statements. James, Sarah’s husband is also soon there. He tells the police that last week a fire had been started in a skip outside the property and then three nights ago dog excrement had been put through the letterbox. They have no idea why, who can hate them so much?

Meanwhile everyone is puzzled as to where Madeline can be. Then Sam, her father receives a message saying, “We have your daughter – it’s time to settle the score”. Accompanying it is a photograph of her, her face is black and blue. Years ago, Madeline had been instrumental in solving a murder which had led to the perpetrator being imprisoned. When Ben and Sam investigate, they discover the murderer, Billy Monroe has recently been released. Surely, he must be behind Madeline being snatched – mustn't he?

Then a man’s body is found.

Sam then receives a demand for two million pounds! However, although he pays the ransom, Madeline is still not released. What do they do now?  The trouble is the more Ben, Sam and the police delve into the past, the more complicated the case becomes and there is much more involved than was first imagined.

Will Madeline be rescued, and a complex series of crimes be solved? Plus, what if anything is the connection with the intruder incidents?

A really absorbing thriller with one jaw dropping revelation after another. Complicated but exceptionally intriguing and a very highly recommended read.
Reviewer: Tricia Chappell  

Robert Gold, originally from Harrogate in North Yorkshire, began his career as an intern at the American broadcaster CNN, based in Washington DC. He returned to Yorkshire to work for the retailer ASDA, becoming the chain’s nationwide book buyer. He now works in sales for a UK publishing company. Robert now lives in Putney and his new hometown served as the inspiration for the fictional town of Haddley in Twelve Secrets. In 2016, he co-authored three titles in James Patterson’s Bookshots series. 

Tricia Chappell. I have a great love of books and reading, especially crime and thrillers. I play the occasional game of golf (when I am not reading). My great love is cruising especially to far flung places, when there are long days at sea for plenty more reading! I am really enjoying reviewing books and have found lots of great new authors.

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