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Monday 30 September 2024

‘Journey to Casablanca’ by Judith Cranswick

Published by Linen Press,
30 September 2024.

Amanda and Graham Mitchell very much enjoy their cruises on the Cygnet Line’s Sea Dream. Since his retirement, Graham has lectured on history on several cruises and both he and Amanda escort groups on their shore trips. The current cruise is a fourteen day round trip visiting several beautiful places, including the iconic Casablanca. At the meet-and-greet for lecturers and entertainers, there are few familiar faces but everybody seems pleasant and friendly apart from the magician, The Great Ernesto. Amanda thinks that he seems to be an unpleasant person and she notices that he is abusive to his young assistant, Sasha, when he spills his drink and blames her for his clumsiness. Also, some of the people who have previously cruised with Ernesto obviously dislike him and try to avoid him.

Ernesto’s cabin is only a few doors away from Graham and Amanda’s and they see him reacting with anger when he discovers a note taped to his door. Not long afterwards, Amanda encounters him just after he receives another anonymous note. At first he is angry and suspicious but then he confides in her about the letters he has been receiving. It is obvious he is scared as well as angry and Amanda insists that he consults the Security Officer, Mark Summers.

After Graham has given a particularly successful lecture there are several people who linger to talk to him. At last Amanda has to intervene to remind him that the performers will need the theatre for a rehearsal. Graham is on the stage packing up his laptop when he hears an angry exclamation and a crash from behind the curtains and goes to check everything is all right. Amanda follows Graham backstage and finds her husband kneeling beside Ernesto, desperately trying to prevent him from bleeding to death from a wound in his throat. Although the lights have been turned off, Amanda manages to find a phone and summon help. However, Graham’s efforts are in vain and Ernesto dies without revealing who had attacked him.

Mark Summers decides to keep the magician’s death a secret from the passengers, lecturers and entertainers. This means it is only known to the ship’s officials and the few people who were present while Ernesto was dying or who arrived on the scene just after. This includes Amanda and Graham and also Sasha, who had turned up for her rehearsal with the magician; and Sasha confides in her uncle and aunt who are passengers on the cruise. Because of this secrecy many wild rumours and speculation abound amongst the passengers, other lecturers and entertainers. This not only means that Graham and Amanda have to be discreet but also keeps bringing back the horror of the violent death and the helplessness of being unable to save him. Amanda is very worried about Graham who is seriously affected by the murder and has recurrent bouts of fear that, because he found the victim, he is Mark Summers’ prime suspect. On a previous cruise Amanda had got involved with investigating a murder and had played a key part in bringing the culprit to justice. In that first investigation Graham had been firmly opposed to Amanda getting involved. This time he is far more willing to help pursue the truth and does a lot of Internet research about the victim and their suspects but he is still resistant to Amanda doing what she does best, investigate in person. Despite Graham’s objections, Amanda continues to talk to people as she tries to discover the truth. There are several suspects with reason to hate Ernesto and Amanda is determined to find the identity of the killer not merely to gain justice for the victim but to exonerate the innocent so that they can continue with their lives unhampered by suspicion.

Journey to Casablanca is the second book in the series featuring Amanda Mitchell and her husband. It is a gentle, cosy crime novel with a likeable protagonist who is determined continue investigating despite the disapproval of her husband and the official investigators. One of the most delightful aspects of these books are the enchanting descriptions of places visited on the cruise with wonderfully evocative insights into some very interesting places. This is a pleasant and enjoyable read, perfect for those who like cosy crime in fascinating locations.
Reviewer: Carol Westron

Judith Cranswick was born and brought up in Norwich. Apart from writing, Judith’s great passions are travel and history. Both have influenced her two series of mystery novels. Tour Manager, Fiona Mason takes coach parties throughout Europe, and historian Aunt Jessica is the guest lecturer accompanying tour groups visiting more exotic destinations aided by her nephew Harry. Her published novels also include several award-winning standalone psychological thrillers. She wrote her first novel (now languishing in the back of a drawer somewhere) when her two children were toddlers, but there was little time for writing when she returned to her teaching career. Now retired, she is able to indulge her love of writing and has begun a life of crime! ‘Writers are told to write what they know about, but I can assure you, I've never committed a murder. I'm an ex-convent school headmistress for goodness sake!’ Her most recent book is Journey to Casablanca.  

Carol Westron is a successful author and a Creative Writing teacher.  Her crime novels are set both in contemporary and Victorian times.  Her first book The Terminal Velocity of Cats was published in 2013. Since then, she has since written 8 further mysteries. Carol recently gave an interview to Mystery People. interview
To read a review of Carol latest book click on the title
Death and the Dancing Snowman

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